Research Projects

Our group is working on many different topics

Illustris TNG

Illustris TNG is a series of large, cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation. Building upon the Illustris project, TNG aims to understand when and how galaxies form and evolve. TNG uses the state-of-the-art code AREPO and is run on some of the world's largest supercomputers. Lars Hernquist is a member of the core team, and many members of the group currently use the data generated by the TNG project.

Millennium TNG

The Millennium TNG project capitalizes on the success of the Illustris TNG and Millenium projects. It combines the hydrodynamics and galaxy formation model of Illustris TNG with the large volume explored in the Millenium project. A 740 Mpc box is run with full hydrodynamics while a 3000 Mpc box is run with dark matter only. A semi-analytic model of galaxy formation (tuned on the smaller hydro runs) is used to connect the two. These simulations allow for predictions of upcoming large scale galaxy surveys. Current members involved in this project include Lars Hernquist and Ana Maria Delgado.

Learning the Universe

The Learning the Universe collaboration sets an ambitious goal to learn the initial conditions of the Universe. The project is aiming to tackle problems such as the huge dimensionality of initial condition parameter space and the necessity of using sub-grid models for galaxy formation simulations. The methods used in the project span from high-resolution simulations to deep learning techniques. Currently, there are many people involved in the collaboration, including Lars Hernquist, Olga Borodina, Jake Bennett, and Yueying Ni.


We host core members of the THESAN project, large-volume cosmological radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of the Epoch of Reionization. THESAN produces realistic galaxies and synthetic observations, enabling a more fruitful exploitation of current and forthcoming data.